Hello everybody,

We are very exited to announce that our CentyNFT website is live!

All Centyfy users can now log in to CentyNFT at https://centynft.com/ using their Centyfy credentials and will be able to mint, buy and sell NFTs using CENTY tokens from their respective CENTY Wallets.

Please note that CentyNFT is in Beta. If you need any help regarding using CentyNFT website please check out the "FAQ" or "Help" sections or feel free to contact us.

Best regards to all,

Centyfy Admin
Hello everybody, We are very exited to announce that our CentyNFT website is live! All Centyfy users can now log in to CentyNFT at https://centynft.com/ using their Centyfy credentials and will be able to mint, buy and sell NFTs using CENTY tokens from their respective CENTY Wallets. Please note that CentyNFT is in Beta. If you need any help regarding using CentyNFT website please check out the "FAQ" or "Help" sections or feel free to contact us. Best regards to all, Centyfy Admin