Some Florida shop owners worry about delta-8 THC restrictions — others embrace them

Live in Florida and own Delta 8 THC shop? Nothing But Hemp has got you covered. We provide minor detail regarding the use, sale, purchase, and distribution of Delta 8 THC in Florida. Our team makes it worth it by providing an incredible experience to all the consumers. Read this blog here to learn how some of you might worry about the restrictions while others will embrace them!
Some Florida shop owners worry about delta-8 THC restrictions — others embrace them Live in Florida and own Delta 8 THC shop? Nothing But Hemp has got you covered. We provide minor detail regarding the use, sale, purchase, and distribution of Delta 8 THC in Florida. Our team makes it worth it by providing an incredible experience to all the consumers. Read this blog here to learn how some of you might worry about the restrictions while others will embrace them!
Some Florida shop owners worry about delta-8 THC restrictions — others embrace them
Are shop owners in Florida worried about a bipartisan bill that proposes treating hemp extracts more like alcohol, limiting the sale of oils, tinctures and gummies containing cannabinoids like delta-8 THC and CBD to people age 21 and older? While some in the hemp retail industry are resistant to the idea, others welcome it, reports the Miami New Times. In the meantime, as delta-8 enthusiasts wait to see how regulations shake out, some are buying more just in case. At least one shop owner has see