The ASE61850 IED Smart is a fully functional IEC 61850 IED / Relay Simulator with IEC 61850 Server functionality, with scripting features and support for simulating substations compliant with the latest editions of the IEC 61850 Standard. ASE61850 IED Smart is an IED Simulator that simulates IEC 61850 Relays / IEDs, acts as IEC 61850 servers, and supports GOOSE functionality. It offers a simulation of multiple Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) simultaneously.
The ASE61850 IED Smart is a fully functional IEC 61850 IED / Relay Simulator with IEC 61850 Server functionality, with scripting features and support for simulating substations compliant with the latest editions of the IEC 61850 Standard. ASE61850 IED Smart is an IED Simulator that simulates IEC 61850 Relays / IEDs, acts as IEC 61850 servers, and supports GOOSE functionality. It offers a simulation of multiple Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) simultaneously.
ASE61850 IED Smart