The main therapeutic effect of Cenforce 150 mg is seen in the genitourinary system. It enhances erectile function by increasing blood flow to the erectile tissue of the penis, allowing for an erection to occur and be maintained. Sildenafil citrate may have indirect effects on the nervous system through its action on nitric oxide signaling pathways. Nitric oxide is involved in regulating blood vessel dilation and smooth muscle relaxation, which are essential for achieving an erection.
The main therapeutic effect of Cenforce 150 mg is seen in the genitourinary system. It enhances erectile function by increasing blood flow to the erectile tissue of the penis, allowing for an erection to occur and be maintained. Sildenafil citrate may have indirect effects on the nervous system through its action on nitric oxide signaling pathways. Nitric oxide is involved in regulating blood vessel dilation and smooth muscle relaxation, which are essential for achieving an erection.