"Always remember the noble lie. If it requires BELIEF in anything, spirits, gods, fairies, etc., you are being sold FRAUD. There are no exceptions to this rule.

From childhood you are sold the lie that faith and trust are equal, and they reinforce it with other lies like, “You must respect the beliefs of others.” Think about that for a second. Why must I respect the beliefs of others? Why have belief at all? If you examine the concept, belief is an end. It means you don't have to go looking any further. It means you can “just assume”, never having once examine WHY it should be believed."

-Scott Duncan
"Always remember the noble lie. If it requires BELIEF in anything, spirits, gods, fairies, etc., you are being sold FRAUD. There are no exceptions to this rule. From childhood you are sold the lie that faith and trust are equal, and they reinforce it with other lies like, “You must respect the beliefs of others.” Think about that for a second. Why must I respect the beliefs of others? Why have belief at all? If you examine the concept, belief is an end. It means you don't have to go looking any further. It means you can “just assume”, never having once examine WHY it should be believed." -Scott Duncan