Flare finance beta! Dont sleep on this!
below is a breakdown, the three links include pictures/video in case you need that
first step is make a metamask wallet
then go to https://demo-signals.ftso.eu/test/generate.php
and generate a private key and wallet
put that private key in meta mask import
then add the coston network by clicking network at the top of metamask then clicking custom rpc
Network Name: Coston Test Network
New RPC URL: https://costone.flare.network/ext/bc/C/rpc
Chain ID: 1
Symbol: FLR
then import these tokens on the coston network
add these through meta mask add token button then clicking the custom tab at the top, entering the address auto populates the rest
then switch to the ropsten network and
then go to https://faucet.metamask.io/ and add eth to the ropsten network (need to be on ropsten network)
then add gas to the coston network https://weilianqi.laerande.org/flarefaucet.php
then it's all set up, the wallets are done and then you just collect your free coins here https://faucet.flr.finance/
you need to be on the ropsten network then claim that set, then switch to coston and collect DAILY
then click the swap, wrap, or farm links at the top of flare faucet site to begin trading
wrap your usdt in the ropsten network and send it to your account on the costen network, then go to swap and trade for whatever you want, then go to farm and click stake to earn yfin while you sleep
below is a breakdown, the three links include pictures/video in case you need that
first step is make a metamask wallet
then go to https://demo-signals.ftso.eu/test/generate.php
and generate a private key and wallet
put that private key in meta mask import
then add the coston network by clicking network at the top of metamask then clicking custom rpc
Network Name: Coston Test Network
New RPC URL: https://costone.flare.network/ext/bc/C/rpc
Chain ID: 1
Symbol: FLR
then import these tokens on the coston network
add these through meta mask add token button then clicking the custom tab at the top, entering the address auto populates the rest
then switch to the ropsten network and
then go to https://faucet.metamask.io/ and add eth to the ropsten network (need to be on ropsten network)
then add gas to the coston network https://weilianqi.laerande.org/flarefaucet.php
then it's all set up, the wallets are done and then you just collect your free coins here https://faucet.flr.finance/
you need to be on the ropsten network then claim that set, then switch to coston and collect DAILY
then click the swap, wrap, or farm links at the top of flare faucet site to begin trading
wrap your usdt in the ropsten network and send it to your account on the costen network, then go to swap and trade for whatever you want, then go to farm and click stake to earn yfin while you sleep
Flare finance beta! Dont sleep on this!
below is a breakdown, the three links include pictures/video in case you need that
first step is make a metamask wallet
then go to https://demo-signals.ftso.eu/test/generate.php
and generate a private key and wallet
put that private key in meta mask import
then add the coston network by clicking network at the top of metamask then clicking custom rpc
Network Name: Coston Test Network
New RPC URL: https://costone.flare.network/ext/bc/C/rpc
Chain ID: 1
Symbol: FLR
then import these tokens on the coston network
add these through meta mask add token button then clicking the custom tab at the top, entering the address auto populates the rest
then switch to the ropsten network and
then go to https://faucet.metamask.io/ and add eth to the ropsten network (need to be on ropsten network)
then add gas to the coston network https://weilianqi.laerande.org/flarefaucet.php
then it's all set up, the wallets are done and then you just collect your free coins here https://faucet.flr.finance/
you need to be on the ropsten network then claim that set, then switch to coston and collect DAILY
then click the swap, wrap, or farm links at the top of flare faucet site to begin trading
wrap your usdt in the ropsten network and send it to your account on the costen network, then go to swap and trade for whatever you want, then go to farm and click stake to earn yfin while you sleep