"Great immediate prosperity to all around him is often produced by the prodigality of the spendthrift; but if he trenches deep, amid this beneficent profusion, on the resources of future years, the day of accounting will inevitably come alike to himself and his dependents"
https://www.cityam.com/almost-a-fifth-of-all-us-dollars-were-created-this-year/ #money
https://www.cityam.com/almost-a-fifth-of-all-us-dollars-were-created-this-year/ #money
"Great immediate prosperity to all around him is often produced by the prodigality of the spendthrift; but if he trenches deep, amid this beneficent profusion, on the resources of future years, the day of accounting will inevitably come alike to himself and his dependents"
https://www.cityam.com/almost-a-fifth-of-all-us-dollars-were-created-this-year/ #money