Men with erectile dysfunction (ED) are the main patients for the medicine Vilitra 20 mg. Vardenafil, the active ingredient in it, helps to establish and sustain an erection by boosting blood flow to the penis. Adhere to the directions on the package and consult your doctor for the proper way to take Vilitra 20 mg. Tadalista 20 treats ED with Tadalafil. Kamagra Oral Jelly, with Sildenafil, offers a flavoured alternative. Vilitra 20 mg is usually taken orally along with a glass of water. It is recommended that you take the tablet between thirty and sixty minutes before having sex. It is possible to take it up to four hours prior to sexual activity, though. You can take the drug with or without food, however since high-fat meals can slow down the medication's beginning of action, it is recommended to avoid them.
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