Sometimes dark-colored spots or patches may appear on the skin due to excess melanin production (hyperpigmentation). Hyperpigmentation mostly affects the cheeks, upper lip, forehead, and bridge area of the nose - areas most exposed to the sun. This skin discoloration or pigmentation can be treated by high-intensity, monochromatic light called lasers (either ablative or non-ablative). The heat works directly on the melanocytes (melanin-producing skin cells) by increasing the turnover of melanocytes and this causes the removal of excess melanin pigment from the skin. Moreover, these cause an injury to the pigmented skin due to the generation of heat, thereby resurfacing the skin by boosting collagen levels. The laser technology is an advanced dermatological option to tackle stubborn dark spots and provide radiant skin. Besides this, topical creams and chemical peels can also be useful in pigmentation treatment. Which treatment will be the best option for an individual is determined after making the right diagnosis and physical examination of the skin. To get the best pigmentation removal treatment in Hyderabad, meet Dr. Keerthana Kalva, clinical and cosmetic dermatologist at Inform Clinics.