Let's say I get 99str, 99hp, and I like the hp skillscape the most. However, when I receive 99str, I would like to OSRS Gold be able to wear the cape etc. or wait until 99hp to be able to wear it without trimming.

I'm currently in blue dragons' training in heroes' guild. I will not go to any other place if I don't think so. The Mith arrows can't be quick enough. What can I do to get rapid kills without spending too much cash? I'll make a sale of some 9k Mith arrows and make money by buying bolts or arrows.

What kind of arrow or bolt is the best? I will only need enough bolts to hunt 200 dragons. However, I have 200 hides I plan to sell in order to make some money to purchase supplies/emeraldbolts (e) for hunting iron dragons.

I'm not in need of assistance with iron/steel drakes. I'm a veteran veteran. What type of arrows/bolts can be used to take out 200 blue dragons? I'm looking for 130-160 (crossbow) and a range bonus, and an Eagle eye (+5 percent range bonus). Also, is diamond-tipped (e) worth getting instead of emerald tipped (e)? It seems expensive, but I wonder if they are worth the cost. I am interested in diamond/emerald bolts to combat metal dragons.

I would like to learn how to master this skill (Slayfor Abyssal whip and Dragonboots, Dragonfire shield, Bandos chestplate and Bandos dragon boots) Barrows for Dharok leg, craft for fury, and Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold berserker rings. You can also purchase them. What then, is the best way to you raise money?