It is believed that physiotherapy originated in the 19th century, first discovered and documented by Per Henrick Ling. The emphasis was on massage, manual muscle manipulation and exercise.
Since that time it has grown to encompass many physiotherapy treatments, techniques and approaches. 
Three traditional techniques used by physiotherapists:

• Advice

• Exercise

• Manual therapy

• Electrotherapy

Depending on the specific problem or disease you are having; these physiotherapy techniques and preventive approaches can help:

• Manage pain

• Increase movement

• Recovery assistance

• Prevent further damage or disease

As we begin to return to the outdoors, work environments, and social or sporting activities. It helps to know what physiotherapy treatments are available, the techniques used and how to access physiotherapy.

common physiotherapy treatments
Above, we have listed the three main physiotherapy techniques and treatments often used by physiotherapists. 

Yet, to restore movement, function, and improve overall health, there are many other treatments and approaches available as well.

These additional treatments may be more appropriate than others when you go to physiotherapy.

• Manual therapy - Physiotherapists use their hands to stretch, manipulate and mobilize soft tissue.

• Range of motion (ROM) exercises - Exercises to improve your mobility, circulation and function.

• Electrotherapy - Electrotherapy is a non-invasive treatment using electrical energy that passes through the skin via electrodes.

• Ultrasound - Ultrasound uses a high frequency sound wave, sending fine vibrations through the cells of the body.

• Ice and heat therapy - Heat or ice therapy is a treatment that can be applied to almost any place on the body where muscle tension and pain is felt.

• Acupuncture - This treatment is used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and evoke the body's natural healing process for faster recovery and rehabilitation.

Which physiotherapy technique is best for me?
Physiotherapists are always on the lookout for new and effective approaches and techniques that will improve patient outcomes.

Whether it is traditional methods or advanced technologies. In physiotherapy, there is no right or wrong technique. It's simply a matter of what works for you and delivers the best overall results.

Traditional physiotherapy treatment is focused on providing counseling, exercise and manual therapy for the prevention or rehabilitation of your illness, injury or disability.

Treatment often follows a process like this:

• Assessment - whole body health and history

• Activity - handling, exercises and stretching

• Education - instruction and advice

• Intervention - a variety of therapies


We will detail how this process fits into the three main techniques provided by physiotherapists. And find out how effective each approach can be.

Most injuries, illnesses or disabilities do not just present difficulties when receiving a few hours of therapy. Apart from physiotherapy, we have this thing called "everyday life"!

Without realizing it, our daily habits can bring additional tension, stress and difficulties to our body. For long-term solutions, physiotherapists should educate patients about the underlying causes of their conditions or disorders.

By understanding the full impact of how their condition affects activities and tasks; this advice allows patients to better see where changes in their daily habits will contribute to faster recovery and better prevention.

By accessing physiotherapy advice and a dedicated physiotherapist, you benefit from tailor-made support. You can ask any questions (no matter how personal or embarrassing) and know that our physiotherapists are highly qualified and provide confidential service.

Advice will come in many forms and topics, but may include:

• Postural correction

• Injury prevention

• Stretching / warm-up activities

• Balanced diet

• Fall prevention

• Pain management

Getting everything moving can be difficult, but is highly recommended by physiotherapists.

When the muscles, joints or connective tissues have suffered too much. To help restore function and improve your mobility, exercise is essential.

In these cases, nothing can heal faster than range of motion (ROM) and strengthening exercises. These exercises are specifically tailored to each patient, taking into account their physical level before and after injury or illness.

Your physiotherapist will make sure that these exercises are difficult to promote recovery, but gentle enough not to harm or cause further injury or pain.

The exercises will be varied for the specified use of:

• Target areas

• The whole body

• Pain management

• Enhancement

• Flexibility

• Balance

Using physiotherapy that works

Ultimately, the best technique will be the one that gives you lasting results and the greatest satisfaction.

With many years of experience, our physiotherapists are there to guide you when needed so that you can be sure that you are receiving the best possible treatment.

In the current circumstances of the pandemic, as a first step, we invite you to make a virtual assessment. This allows you and our physiotherapists to stay safe, while fully exploring the physiotherapy techniques and approaches that are best for you.