An drug called Sildalist 120 is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). It combines sildenafil and tadalafil. However, because of the possible interactions and health hazards, its usage should be avoided or approached cautiously in a number of situations. Aurogra 100 is ED treatments with sildenafil citrate, enhancing blood flow for erections. First and foremost, Sildalist 120 should not be taken by anybody with cardiovascular disorders, including severe heart disease, a recent heart attack or stroke, or uncontrolled high or low blood pressure. For people with cardiac conditions, the combination of sildenafil and tadalafil can have a major negative impact on blood pressure and heart function. Second, use Sildalist 120 with caution if you have significant liver or kidney damage. Because the liver and kidneys metabolize and eliminate sildenafil and tadalafil, respectively, problems with these organs can raise blood levels of the drug and increase the chance of side effects.
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