There are red laser pointer on the market now, but do you know what diameter you will irradiate when you irradiate, for example, 2 kilometers or 5 kilometers away? Since it is not in a vacuum, even amateurs like me can easily imagine that even a laser pointer with excellent straightness will be scattered by dust and water vapor and spread quite dark. The laser rangefinder can instantly measure...
The most powerful laser pointer: blue laser pointer
The color on the far right has the shortest wavelength and the highest energy. In terms of intensity, they are considered the strongest, and blue light falls into this category. The laser is a high-brightness, strong directivity, and a light source that emits a monochromatic coherent beam. Due to the many advantages of the laser, it has been...
The laser pointer 5000mw pointer is a measurement, level, and alignment (SLA) laser product under the FDA's Center for Equipment and Radiological Health (CDRH) regulations 21 CFR Part 1040.11 (b). The CDRH laser level of SLA laser products (including laser pointers) is limited to Class IIIa. CDRH also accepts that IEC 60825-1 Class 3R is equivalent to CDRH Class IIIa. Both of the 60825-1 class...
Teachers and professors have used Powerful 100mw Green Laser Pointers With Beautiful Finish for years to highlight key areas on maps and screens during visual presentations. Recently, with the reduction in manufacturing costs, consumers now have a variety of features to choose from, including different colors and styles. The visible range of a laser pointer can vary greatly depending on...