The plaintiff was hoping for a jury award of $70,000, while the defense was confident that a maximum jury award of $10,000 would be handed down in the 2018 jury trial in King County, Washington, Case #16-2-29568.  When I was the last to testify, I made it clear that this was a matter of data, not my personal opinion.  According to the attorney, the insurance expert resigned without ever disputing my testimony, which was unprecedented in the history of the United States and had never been seen before in any other case in the country.  The plaintiff received a record-breaking $958,500 in damages from the jury.  In the subsequent jury trial in Washington, the same insurance expert testified alongside me rather than against me.  In his own words, the patient, who requested that his identity not be revealed, stated that the decision had changed his life for the better.

Keeping the peace and maintaining the rule of law
As part of the production of the Law and Order reality series You the Jury, Marcarian was called in to conduct a polygraph examination of a witness in a court case being filmed for the show You the Jury, which featured a live jury trial.

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Kevin, the officer, had been kicked in the head during an arrest, and Marcarian put him through his paces to put him through his paces.  I double-blind the test in order to establish unimpeachable credibility: I refuse to see or hear anything about the patient's past or what he or she has gone through during the test.  When I was working at NASA, I learned a valuable approach that has been a critical component of my overall success.  I testified that, without consulting his medical records, I observed an old and a new injury to his cervical spine, with the old injury occurring in the back and the newpcr machineinjury occurring in the front, both of which occurred in the back.  The insurer asserted that he had a pre-existing condition, claiming that his symptoms were brought on by a motorcycle accident two years prior to the incident.  I was 100% certain that my interpretation of the data was correct in both cases: the 2-year-old motorcycle injury to the back of his neck and the more recent injury to the front of his neck, which was confirmed by the ER reports.  I had no way of knowing what was going on.  Muscle fibrillation is associated with new injuries that initially appear as extremely random lines in the graphs (jitter), which is associated with muscle fibrillation.  Injury that is more than a year old may still have an abnormal pattern of motor firing, but the graphed lines may be smooth in appearance, indicating that the injury is not recent.

He went completely insane on me, saying things like, "Who told you about the ER reports?" and other such things.  I'm sure I remember.  The moment I realized what you were talking about, I said, "I have no idea what you're talking about," but the data spoke for itself.  He claimed that she was yelling obscenities at him.  I'm sure you've seen the reports from the emergency room.  I had failed to do so.  In this particular case, I was successful in having the pre-existing condition claim dismissed, and we were victorious overall.

A lack of injury and symptom magnification, as well as other characteristics, are demonstrated by the device's data, in addition to others.

According to him, a large number of insurance claims have been rejected because patients were 'faking' their symptoms and demonstrating a lack of muscle guarding, which led to the claims being rejected.  Furthermore, it has been used to defend both insurance and defense positions, further enhancing its unimpeachability.

Muscle guarding techniques: the old and new sEMG methods

There has been a distinction made between the new range-of-motion technology that detects muscle guarding and the static EMG (which is performed in a neutral position with hand-held probes) and comparisons that have previously been used in courtrooms, according to the researchers.

sEMGs can be classified into two types, according to Marcarian, who explains the issue further.  They make a conflation ofpcr testing machinethe two tests, which results in attorneys presenting in court with incorrect information.  In one instance, my assistant was present, and she observed their materials and stated, 'Everything they had was on static EMG,' which meant they were unable to defend themselves even when they were present.  It was impossible to believe their evidence, and I'll never forget a defense attorney who came up to me six times in the courtroom, each time walking up to me, looking directly at me, and then turning around to sit down because her questions were all about static electromyography (sEMG).

Marcarian joined the Jacobs School of Medicine and Medical Sciences at the University at Buffalo last year as a clinical instructor, where he instructs radiology students on how to use the most up-to-date technology and equipment.