Blackjacking is a skill that can be used for OSRS GP gaining experience in Thieving. It is based upon the use in Blackjack which is a members-only melee weapon to knock-out enemies and steal their money when they are unconscious.

Blackjacking can be performed by bands around Pollnivneach. It does not work with Ardougne Knight. In order to begin Blackjacking players need to be able to complete Feud Quest which requires 30 levels in the skill of Thieving however the ideal level in Thieving to start blackjacking is 45.

Before you can be ready to complete Feud Quest and start blackjacking at blackjack, you'll have to be at level 45 for Thieving. This means you'll have to try other strategies before you begin to learn with this one. One of the fastest ways to earn Thieving experience on low levels is by finishing quests like The Feud, The Golem, Land of the Goblins and Troll Stronghold. If you are not sure completing missions is what you want and prefer to go through the normal methods then you can try these methods.

After reaching level 45 you can start blackjacking. There are three kinds of blackjack in Old School Runescape - Oak, Willow and Maple Blackjacks. Each of them can also be made in one of three specializations offensive, defensive, or just a normal. This is not something you should be looking at since when training all the specializations will be fine. Just ensure that you are using the maple type since this one is the best. Purchase on the Grand Exchange will be the fastest way to obtain this item but you can also complete first part of Rogue Trader minigame which also rewards it.

If you've now acquired blackjack, you'll learn to make use of it. Blackjacking involves knocking out your intended target for him to then pickpocket him (twice) and then repeating the process to buy rs07 fire cape build up knowledge. So to put it simply you need to right click your enemy for the knockout , then right click to pickpocket twice when he's unconscious.