Rysa caught Jiya in the act, she was absolutely dumb founded when she saw her best friend in this embarrassing act, she just couldn’t believe her eyes! She saw Jiya pulling her hair and crying her eyes out! Despite being friends with Jiya for a long, long time, Rysa had seen Jenna as the perfect pretty little girl who had amazing grades and an exemplary school record. Rysa went ahead and consoled her..


Rysa: Chill out Jiya! It's just me, tell me what is the matter with you?

Jiya: I don’t wanna say! It’s embarrassing,  moreover I never wanted you to see me cry, I look ugly as hell.

Rysa: Oh come on! I am your best friend, I have seen you without makeup too, how much uglier can you get?

Jiya: Hey! Stop messing with me, I am pretty serious, it’s about my future.

Rysa: Okay, you seem serious, what’s wrong?

Jiya: I took up Mathematics class to gain extra credit in my college in America, but I just can't get it. I have studied so many times, but I just cannot get it..I feel so useless.I mean, I am so used to what has been taught here, how will I cope up there?

Rysa(laughs heartily): You silly girl, you are not useless..you excel at almost everything at school, so it’s okay if you cannot figure this out, get help from an expert, you might feel lighter.

Jiya: Heyyyyyy… I am not silly. Moreover, I don’t need help, okay? I am smart enough to help myself.

Rysa: You and your frustrating ego Jiya, what is wrong with getting help? You have received help in eating, drinking, going to the toilet, being competitive from your parents since you were a child, I have helped you in school..so why the arrogance now?

Jiya(clearing throat): I am not arrogant..and who will help me? Tell me Mr Know-it-all.

Rysa: Wait, let me show you! (Clicks vigorously on phone) See this tool? This will help you differentiate..it is a number to words converter..this might come in handy.

Jiya: Okay, let me check! (Browses the tool) This is so cool, Rysa! I can use it whenever I’m in trouble..thanks! You’re the best!

Rysa: I know I’m the best. 

Rysa: So, now can I make fun of your crying face? I got to go laugh in my pillow, I still keep seeing flashes of your ugly crying.It was so hilarious!

Jiya: Shut up! I hate you. You will definitely miss me when I’m gone

Channing: No, not at all! I will find another best friend for myself!

Jiya: Yeah, you wish!