The best Sculpture methods:

Lipomatic slimming surgery

Lipomatic is one of the slimming methods in which you can get rid of excess body fat quickly. In this method, there is no need to make an incision in the abdomen or the desired area; Because by creating a hole, a rod enters the desired area and removes excess fat. One of the most important benefits of lipomatics is that the removed fats can be used for other parts of the body. So if you want to shape other parts of the body with fat that is compatible with your body, lipomatic is a good method. Therefore, if you are eligible for this surgery, lipomatic will be the best body sculpting method.

Liposuction With A Tummy Tuck

Liposuction is another method of sculpting. The T.L.A and reciprocating vibration techniques are used to perform this surgery. As a result, fats are evenly removed from the body. Therefore, there is no possibility of fat burning during surgery. In this method, similar to lipomatic, fats are removed safely and can be used to inject into other parts of the body.

What is the difference between liposuction and lipomatic?

You are probably wondering what is the difference between liposuction and lipomatic. In general, it can be said that liposuction is an advanced form of lipomatic. As a result, the amount of fat removed in the liposuction method is higher while it has fewer complications.

Reduction of excess body fat with liposuction

The basis of this method is the absorption of excess body fat. In liposuction, a small incision is made in the area and then the fat is removed using a tube called a cannula that is connected to a suction device. Keep in mind that this method is only used to reduce fat and not to remove and repair excess skin in the desired area. The fats that are removed from the body in this method are not suitable for injection into other parts of the body due to their lack of quality.

Laser lipolysis slimming

Liposuction with a tummy tuck can be done in two ways. The first method is to use a laser (ultrasonic waves) and inject fluid. In the fluid injection method, the fluid enters the body through a small incision and then the fat is removed through the liver. The amount of fluid needed is injected based on the person's weight and physical condition. In this method, due to the fact that the extracted fat is in liquid form, this fat can not be used for injection for other parts of the body.

The second method, called laser lipolysis, uses waves to heat fat cells.

Is it possible to combine two methods of laser lipolysis and liposuction?

The answer to this question is yes; If obesity is related to the abdomen and flanks, a combination of these two methods can be used for better results.

Laser lipolysis or lipomatic

Due to the fact that in laser lipolysis the cells are heated, they can not be used to inject into other parts. Therefore, if you only want to reduce excess body fat, you can use laser lipolysis.


Abdominoplasty is another surgery used to beautify the abdomen and lose weight. Abdominoplasty should be performed under general anesthesia, with two incisions made in two different parts of the body. One incision in the pelvis to close to the genital area and another incision around the navel.

Then, the skin of this cut area is removed from the muscles. After that, the doctor pulls the abdominal muscles together to give this area a beautiful appearance. Then, the skin is placed on the muscles and the extra parts are removed (an incision made in the umbilical region prevents the umbilical cord from moving in the abdomen).

Note: Of course, abdominoplasty method has many side effects due to which it is not used much these days. Some of the complications of abdominoplasty are:

• Infection

• Lack of symmetry


Accumulation of fluid under the skin

• Loss of part of the abdominal skin

Tissue death (numbness in the affected area)

Loose skin

Now that we have reviewed all the slimming surgery methods, it is time to choose the best body sculpting method.

Given the above, lipomatic and liposuction methods can be considered as the best body sculpting method; Because it has fewer side effects than other methods. In addition, these two methods are also suitable for people who want to shape other parts of the body in addition to sculpting. Because the extracted fat can be used to inject into other parts of the body.

However, it is best to consult a specialist to choose the best body sculpting method; Because of the amount of fat and physical condition you have, none of these methods may be appropriate.

Suitable candidate for slimming surgery

There are certain conditions for performing any of the above methods for slimming surgery. You should consult a specialist to find out. But the general conditions for performing one of the above surgeries are:

• Do not smoke

• Do not have heart disease or diabetes

• Do not suffer from depression

• Having one of the diseases caused by being overweight

Adhere to a diet and exercise

Sculpting practice

For people who suffer from the accumulation of fat in different parts of the body and have not been able to lose it through exercise and diet, body sculpting is a good option. Many people may think that body sculpting is the same as lipomatic, but in fact, it can be said that lipomatic is a subset of body sculpting. And it becomes waist and brings with it slimming or fitness.