What is Hypnotherapy?

HIFU, or HIFU, stands for High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Haifu is one of the relatively new methods in beauty treatments for tightening and lifting the skin, which is painless and non-invasive and can replace face lift.

Ultrasound uses ultrasound. That is, the same waves that are used in ultrasound devices. However, in Haifu, these waves focus energy on a specific layer of the skin and stimulate the production of collagen fibers. Collagens are responsible for strengthening the tissues of the body, including the skin; Therefore, this makes our skin firmer and wrinkle-free.


Hypnotherapy has been used for many years to treat cancerous tumors. The use of this method for cosmetic treatments was first proposed in 2008.

Hypnotherapy was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2009 using an eyebrow lift. In 2014, the FDA approved the use of this method to improve the condition of lines and wrinkles around the neckline and upper chest. Due to the novelty of this treatment, some of its uses have not yet been approved by the FDA, but there is no evidence that various uses of hyperthermia are harmful or harmful, and this method is much safer than cosmetic surgery.

Although no extensive clinical research has been done on Haifu treatment, several smaller studies have shown that it is safe and effective for lifting and improving wrinkles. People who have received this treatment can see the positive effects after a few months; Without being exposed to the risks and side effects of cosmetic and lifting surgeries.



Who is hypnotherapy suitable for?

In general, this treatment is very suitable for people between 30 and 75 years old who suffer from mild to moderate sagging skin and want to delay the aging process of the skin.

The main goal of Haifu method is to reduce the rate of aging, so in younger applicants, we see more response to treatment. Applicants over the age of 25 can also use this treatment as one of the most effective ways to prevent skin aging.

People whose skin is damaged due to constant exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet rays or more severe sagging of the skin, need several sessions of treatment to achieve the desired results.

Older people who suffer from severe sagging and sagging skin around the neck are usually not good candidates for hypnotherapy and may need surgery. This procedure is not suitable for people with ulcers, infections, cystic acne, and metal implants in the area being treated.


Technology and function of hyperthermia

Haifu technology is a method that uses ultrasound waves.

Hypnotherapy focuses on the inner layers and creates intense heat, causing conscious regional destruction.

Therefore, in the hypotherapy method, intense heat is generated by creating ultrasound waves on a specific and very small point.

If you expose the paper to strong sunlight for a long time, nothing may happen, but if we focus this light on a small spot with a magnifying glass, the paper will immediately catch fire. The Haifu method does the same. That is, the temperature rises at the point of tamarind, but no heat is generated at the side points and they are not damaged. So, only the points that we want are destroyed and the points of the tissue boiler are not damaged.

In the skin rejuvenation method, the body repairs the damaged tissue and the new and young skin replaces the worn and old skin.


How to do hyperthermia?

The person lies down slowly on the bed and the doctor moves the handle of the HIFU device slowly for about 30 to 45 minutes, just like a normal ultrasound, on the skin of the face in specific directions on the patient's face because this technique is unbearable pain. No, there is no need for anesthesia and sometimes there is no need to apply local anesthetic creams.

It is noteworthy that immediately after the end of hypnotherapy, a person clearly feels the lift of his face, which is called HIFU.

Given that the results of HIFU lifting are two categories:

1. Fast-acting results

2. Delayed and gradual results We must say that the delayed results of HIFU lifting continue for about three months after performing HIFU and the results are complete up to 6 months later.


Is there an age limit for hypnotherapy?


Although Hypnotherapy does not have a specific age limit, most Haifu candidates in the age range of 35 to 60 years are suitable for skin elasticity, complaining of mild to moderate looseness of the skin on the face, chin and neck.

Hypnotherapy is definitely not a substitute for surgery and is suitable for those people who want to lift and rejuvenate the face and neck but are not yet a good candidate for surgery lift or the person is reluctant to have a lift. Hypnotherapy is a non-invasive method and can be used in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures such as PRP, mesotherapy, gel injections, Botox and و to achieve the best possible results.




Durability and longevity of hypnotherapy results

The longevity of the results obtained from the hafotherapy method is about 2 years. Due to the fact that the aging process of the skin is a permanent and unstoppable process, after performing Haifu, light and partial annual treatments are recommended to prolong the results and reduce the rate of skin aging.