Tournament guy: These fights will determin that rs 3 gold god receives the new land called Draren Island, the primary roundup is (your name) representing his God ( gods name ) vs Drake representing (Separate God here) Drake: I will fight for the honer of my god.

The island includes the other god sets so that you can not get the additional types, the God armor shop that you can buy the different sets of god stuff, including the god swords and weapons. A Magic store that gets you the fundamentals , law, nature, cosmic and the other God robes that you get from your tourny. An assortment store, where you purchase javalins, bows, throwing weapons, arrows, And range god clothing.

Additionally there is a pit where you can go that's an ideal training area for every type, they grip Greater deamons that have a gate next to the pit which you can use to get mages and rangers, and also the gate opens and you can go into combat the opponent.

The God Arena. This is much like the dueling arena and castle wars at precisely the exact same time in a manner. There are just two individuals and they're fighting against a person having a distinct God Armor they then duke it out untill one of them dies, no one looses anything and they can NOT outlaw anything unless the other guy agrees. There's not any bet at hand except cash, the greater the other guy wins the more money they triumph. The thing is that no one actually'bets' money, it is always there for every fight, hence making it a more secure version.

It would be called"The Troubled Miner". First of all, you'd be taken in the event through mining. You would be transported to a cave where a miner was in trouble. There would be 4 distinct situations he could maintain. He's trapped under a small rockslide. He's trapped on a high ledge. His pick has broken. When you arrive that he will instantly say something like"Phew. . .you're only in time (Your Character). As you can see im at a bit of a circumstance. . Should you say yes he will say"Great, now heres everything you'll need to do..." If you say no he can become somewhat angry and say"Well seeing as how I brought you you truly don't have a choice if you want to cheap OSRS gold return! Heres what you have to do..."