There are many different types of brain tumors. Doctors employ a technique known as "classification." This is nothing more than a classification system for the many distinct forms of brain tumors based on their characteristics. Naturally, each tumor that affects the brain is given a distinct name.

This classification method is used by medical professionals and scientists to collect statistical data, discover the underlying reason for the formation of various brain tumors, and select the best treatment approach for the tumors. Furthermore, many people may create a prognosis based on the data they gather from their studies. The most prevalent types of brain tumors are discussed in this medical handbook.

Acoustic Neuroma

Acoustic neuroma is a tumor that affects the nerve that helps people hear. Medical professionals refer to this as the "8th Cranial Nerve.". This is a slow-growing brain tumor that is found in the cerebellum and pons regions of the brain.

The pons is found in the posterior fossa, which is a part of the brain.. When it comes to statistical data, it has been established that this type accounts for approximately 9% of all that are diagnosed. A person with this form of brain tumor is likely to develop symptoms such as hearing loss, dizziness, facial paralysis, and even loss of sensation or feeling in the face.

CNS Lymphoma

Individuals that have immune systems that are in a state of malfunction may develop a CNS lymphoma brain tumor. Individuals with well-functioning immune systems, on the other hand, have been proven to be susceptible to malignant malignancies. These tumors usually spread to both hemispheres of the brain.

If a person has this form of brain tumor, they are likely to have memory loss, weakness on at least one side of the body, confusion, weariness, and possibly convulsions. For patients suffering from these forms of abnormal growths, surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy, and even chemotherapy are considered appropriate therapies.

Glioblastoma Multiforme

Glioblastoma multiforme, sometimes known as GBM, is one of the most challenging cancers to treat. Because of its high level of aggressiveness, this form of brain tumor is also regarded as one of the most hazardous. This type of brain tumor is the most common among adults in their forties and fifties, according to statistics.

This tumor accounts for 30% of all cases. Tumors that are made up of a variety of cells are known as mixed tumors. Medical professionals discovered that this particular tumor had the highest level of the combination when researching it.. It is referred to as being "Heterogeneous" for this reason.


If you've been diagnosed with a brain tumor, it's critical that you understand everything you can about it. The most frequent forms of brain tumors have been discussed here. There are a plethora of others.

You should concentrate on the tumor's cause, how quickly it spreads, the area of the brain it affects, any symptoms you may have, the tumor's therapy, and the prognosis. If you have any concerns, be sure to contact a Top Tumor specialist in Coimbatore.